About this course

This AI Masterclass will serve you as a clear and concise guide on how to solve important leadership challenges through data analytics. Realistic and actionable you will learn how to transform your business and to achieve overall organizational effectiveness by using data to take decisions based on facts rather than opinions, identify root causes behind your organization’s biggest challenges, and move towards a winning business strategy.

Data is the most powerful leadership asset that you have - in this course you will learn how to make the most out of it.

Who is this course for?

Business leaders cannot afford to neglect the competitive advantages resulting from data-driven decision making and strategies. This is also reflected in the trend of CEOs selecting analytics-minded leaders to co-head their organization – all in times of game-changing forces in every workplace and with Artificial Intelligence as a main driver in this.

What will you learn?

Each of the 3-modules is self-paced and features insightful contributions from Scalework as well as valuable ressources that are curated from some of the most recognized experts in the field of Data Science – all designed for guiding you to put analytics into action in your organization.

  • Module 1 - Understanding the Data Driven World

    Learn the fundamentals of data science and what it means to implement data driven thinking.

  • Module 2 - Successfully Executing Data Driven Thinking

    Jump into a case study and learn the tips and tricks that most people miss when executing on their data projects.

  • Module 3 - Building a Data Driven Organization

    Learn the industry standards of how organizations are shaped and led to maximize their data impact.

  • 1-on-1 Coaching

    Utilize data experts to personally help you develop a strategy for your data.

    *Only available if purchased

Why this course?

It is urgent for you as business leader to embrace analytics, not only to remain professionally relevant but also to empower your organization to thrive through the ongoing digital transformation. In your role you can and must:

* Understand fundamental data science principles and business analytics models

* Identify and execute the data analytics initiatives that can make a difference

* Boost company productivity with data and metrics that really matter

* Shape analytics centered culture that generates actions based on data

Do not stop with capturing and reporting of data. Your efforts are useless if analytics insights are not leading to actions. Purchase the full course to learn how you can get there.

Full Masterclass Structure

    1. Module 1 Introduction

    2. Demystifying Data Science

    3. Data Science Fundamentals (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    4. Insights from Google Data Scientist Interview

    5. The Importance of the Right Business Understanding (Hunter Dunlap)

    6. What Even is Big Data?

    7. What Does Big Data Mean and How Can it Help Us See?

    8. How Machines Learn (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    9. Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    10. An Introduction to Deep Learning (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    11. 1-on-1 Coaching Session #1

    12. Knowledge check #1

    13. (Bonus Material) Google Translate Breakthrough

    14. (Bonus Resource) An Executive's Guide to AI

    1. Module 2 Introduction

    2. Gathering Data versus Executing on Data

    3. KNIME, the Open Source Excel on Steroids (Dr. Elena Cramer)

    4. Make Data Work: A walk through all stages of a Data project (Dr. Elena Cramer)

    5. Why good data matters more than great AI

    6. Mastering how to tell a story through Data (Hunter Dunlap)

    7. The art of data visualizations

    8. Data Science Use Cases (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    9. Data Insight Drawbacks?

    10. Azure Case Study on How to Utilize AI Through Pre-built Solutions (Dr. Elena Cramer)

    11. Insights from AirBnB Data Science

    12. (Case Study) Instacart

    13. (Case Study) Booking.com

    14. 4 Things For Getting The Most Out of Your Data

    15. 1-on-1 Coaching Session #2

    16. Knowledge Check #2

    17. (Bonus Material) Technical Guide for the Curious

    1. Module 3 Introduction

    2. The Rapid Advance of AI in Organizations

    3. What's the Difference Between a Plan and a Strategy?

    4. Managing a Data Science Team

    5. What You Should Know to Lead a Data Driven Organization!

    6. Data-driven Innovation (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    7. The Value of Data For Your Organization (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    8. Black Box AI and how to deal with this (Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker)

    9. Things You Need to Know For Building a Data Product

    10. Insights from AirBnb Data Science Pt 2

    11. (Case Study) Instacart Part 2

    12. (Case Study) Booking.com Part 2

    13. 1-on-1 Coaching #3

    14. Knowledge Check #3

    15. (Bonus Material) Lecture on Leading A Data Science Team

Master data driven thinking in your organization. This course offers business professionals 3 course modules. Start learning the fundamentals so you can understand, execute, and master data in your organization.

  • ~ 10 hours of video & complimentary E-Book
  • € 389 (Full Course only)
  • € 2190 (Full course + Coaching)

Are you getting enough value through your data? (Sneak Preview)

Course instructors

Prof. Dr. Michael Bücker

“Next to advising organizations and build data-driven business models, I am a professor of Data Science at the Münster School of Business (MSB). During my time at McKinsey & Company’s, I supported clients across the globe building data-driven solutions for their most pressing business problems and enabling analytics transformations.”

Dr. Elena Cramer

“I am a mathematician with a Phd from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology who loves data and to code. I have many years of experience as a data scientist and in cloud computing services. I like going over research papers and try out models to different out of context problems. But what excites me most is solving real business problems using AI.”

Ulrich Busch

CEO of Scalework

“I am a Business Analytics Expert, with vast experience in data-driven and AI-powered transformations. With Scalework, I want to offer decision-makers the chance to take advantage of their data, irrespective of their internal level of digitization or analytics capability. My goal is to make data impact as simple and cost-effective as possible.”

Endorsed by

Do these questions sound familiar?

  • How do I feel less uncertain about a business decision?

    Use the data driven thinking taught in this course to accurately weigh qualitative and quantitative factors! Remove the doubt!

  • What do I do with the data I have collected?

    Learn about some of the cutting edge technology in data science and how to identify use cases with this course!

  • How do I not miss the opportunity to use AI in my business?

    We are here to help. Sign up now for free and start riding the AI revolution wave!

  • Why don't my customers understand the value of my product?

    Learn how to communicate with data the value of what you are trying to sell! Sign up for free now

  • How do I maximize my good decisions and limit the bad ones?

    Start now with the good decision to sign up for free to this class. Then, use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data to increase the odds of making great decisions!

  • How could someone untrained like me ever get into understand AI?

    Do not worry, this course is designed for entry level users with little to no experience in AI or data science. If this is you, then you would stand to benefit the most from this program!